Results for 'Deborah Scott Studebaker'

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  1.  7
    A School by Every Other Name: Culture X and Public Education.Edward S. Ebert & Deborah Scott Studebaker - 2008 - R&L Education.
    A School By Every Other Name calls for a revolution that would reconceptualize the institution of education. That effort begins with overcoming our national cultural identity crisis. Rather than prescribing what must be done, A School By Every Other Name presents poignant perspectives and background and then invites the reader to begin answering the questions that could lead to building a new institution of education. Not just a book about education, A School By Every Other Name is a workbook for (...)
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    Effects of tripelennamine and pentazocine alone and in combination on fixed-ratio responding of rats.Deborah Grossett, Scott Wallace, Mitchell Picker & Alan Poling - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (3):232-234.
  3.  25
    July 18, 1988, at a sexual assault and battered women's center.Deborah Weber, Erin Sorenson, Jamie A. Jimenez, Yolanda Hernandez, Helen Gualtieri, Christina Bevilaqua & Mary Scott Boria - 1989 - Gender and Society 3 (4):533-540.
    On July 18, 1988, workers at the Metropolitan YWCA Women's Services, a Chicago-area center designed to assist women and children who are survivors of violence and sexual assault, agreed to record in a journal their thoughts at a chosen hour during that day. Each section was written by a different worker. The purpose was to bring together separate voices, all connected through their common work with survivors to begin to understand the impact of this work on their own lives.
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    Unresolved pain in children: A relational ethics perspective.Deborah L. Olmstead, Shannon D. Scott & Wendy J. Austin - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):695-704.
    It is considered the right of children to have their pain managed effectively. Yet, despite extensive research findings, policy guidelines and practice standard recommendations for the optimal management of paediatric pain, clinical practices remain inadequate. Empirical evidence definitively shows that unrelieved pain in children has only harmful consequences, with no benefits. Contributing factors identified in this undermanaged pain include the significant role of nurses. Nursing attitudes and beliefs about children’s pain experiences, the relationships nurses share with children who are suffering, (...)
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    The Oral Nature of the Homeric Simile.Deborah D. Boedeker & William C. Scott - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (3):306.
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    Ethical review issues in collaborative research between us and low – middle income country partners: A case example.Scott Mcintosh, Essie Sierra, Ann Dozier, Sergio Diaz, Zahira Quiñones, Aron Primack, Gary Chadwick & Deborah J. Ossip-Klein - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (8):414-422.
    The current ethical structure for collaborative international health research stems largely from developed countries' standards of proper ethical practices. The result is that ethical committees in developing countries are required to adhere to standards that might impose practices that conflict with local culture and unintended interpretations of ethics, treatments, and research. This paper presents a case example of a joint international research project that successfully established inclusive ethical review processes as well as other groundwork and components necessary for the conduct (...)
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    DARTS 2000 online diabetes management system: formative evaluation in clinical practice.Claudia Pagliari, Deborah Clark, Karen Hunter, Douglas Boyle, Scott Cunningham, Andrew Morris & Frank Sullivan - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (4):391-400.
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    Erratum to: A New Scale to Measure Executive Servant Leadership: Development, Analysis, and Implications for Research.Lora L. Reed, Deborah Vidaver-Cohen & Scott R. Colwell - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (3):507-508.
  9. A New Scale to Measure Executive Servant Leadership: Development, Analysis, and Implications for Research. [REVIEW]Lora L. Reed, Deborah Vidaver-Cohen & Scott R. Colwell - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (3):415-434.
    This article introduces a new scale to measure executive servant leadership, situating the need for this scale within the context of ethical leadership and its impacts on followers, organizations and the greater society. The literature on servant leadership is reviewed and servant leadership is compared to other concepts that share dimensions of ethical leadership (e.g., transformational, authentic, and spiritual leadership). Next, the Executive Servant Leadership Scale (ESLS) is introduced, and its contributions and limitations discussed. We conclude with an agenda for (...)
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    Musical Design in Sophoclean Theater (review).Deborah H. Roberts - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (1):123-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Musical Design in Sophoclean TheaterDeborah H. RobertsWilliam C. Scott. Musical Design in Sophoclean Theater. Hanover, N.H., and London: University Press of New England, for Dartmouth College, 1996. xxii 1 330 pp. Cloth, $45.Music and the chorus that performed most of this music were fundamental elements in Greek tragedy, but we know very little about the music of tragedy, and it is notoriously difficult to find a successful (...)
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    Kantian Virtue at the Intersection of Politics and Nature: the Vale of Soulmaking, by Scott M. Roulier; North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 7. Rochester, MN: University of Rochester Press, 2004, $29.95, £19.99. [REVIEW]Deborah Hawkins - 2007 - Kantian Review 12 (2):185-187.
  12. Reframing Consent for Clinical Research: A Function-Based Approach.Scott Y. H. Kim, David Wendler, Kevin P. Weinfurt, Robert Silbergleit, Rebecca D. Pentz, Franklin G. Miller, Bernard Lo, Steven Joffe, Christine Grady, Sara F. Goldkind, Nir Eyal & Neal W. Dickert - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (12):3-11.
    Although informed consent is important in clinical research, questions persist regarding when it is necessary, what it requires, and how it should be obtained. The standard view in research ethics is that the function of informed consent is to respect individual autonomy. However, consent processes are multidimensional and serve other ethical functions as well. These functions deserve particular attention when barriers to consent exist. We argue that consent serves seven ethically important and conceptually distinct functions. The first four functions pertain (...)
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    Religiosity and Consumer Ethics.Scott J. Vitell, Joseph G. P. Paolillo & Jatinder J. Singh - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (2):175-181.
    This article presents the results of an exploratory study that investigated the role that religiosity plays in determining consumer attitudes/beliefs in various situations regarding questionable consumer practices. Two dimensions of religiosity – intrinsic and extrinsic religiousness – were studied. Results indicated that an intrinsic religiousness was a significant determinant of consumer ethical beliefs, but extrinsic religiousness was not related to those beliefs.
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  14. What's wrong with bribery.Scott Turow - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (4):249 - 251.
    The article argues that bribery is wrong because it violates fundamental notion of equality and it undermines the vitality of the institutions affected.
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    The Enforcement Approach to Coercion.Scott A. Anderson - 2010 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 5 (1):1-31.
    This essay differentiates two approaches to understanding the concept of coercion, and argues for the relative merits of the one currently out of fashion. The approach currently dominant in the philosophical literature treats threats as essential to coercion, and understands coercion in terms of the way threats alter the costs and benefits of an agent’s actions; I call this the “pressure” approach. It has largely superseded the “enforcement approach,” which focuses on the powers and actions of the coercer rather than (...)
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    The Owl of Minerva Problem.Scott Aikin - 2020 - Southwest Philosophy Review 36 (1):13-22.
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    Folkbiology doesn't Come from Folkpsychology: Evidence from Yukatek Maya in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Scott Atran, Edilberto Ucan Ek', Paulo Sousa, Douglas Medin, Elizabeth Lynch & Valentina Vapnarsky - 2001 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 1 (1):3-42.
    Nearly all psychological research on basic cognitive processes of category formation and reasoning uses sample populations associated with large research institutions in technologically-advanced societies. Lopsided attention to a select participant pool risks biasing interpretation, no matter how large the sample or how statistically reliable the results. The experiments in this article address this limitation. Earlier research with urban-USA children suggests that biological concepts are thoroughly enmeshed with their notions of naive psychology, and strikingly human-centered. Thus, if children are to develop (...)
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    Speech acts and arguments.Scott Jacobs - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (4):345-365.
    Speech act theory seems to provide a promising avenue for the analysis of the functional organization of argument. The theory, however, might be taken to suggest that arguments are a homogenous class of speech act with a specifiable illocutionary force and a single set of felicity conditions. This suggestion confuses the analysis of the meaning of speech act verbs with the analysis of the pragmatic structure of actual language use. Suggesting that arguments are conveyed through a homogeneous class of linguistic (...)
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    Representing Science Through Historical Drama.Deborah L. Begoray & Arthur Stinner - 2005 - Science & Education 14 (3-5):457-471.
  20. Is causation necessary for what matters in survival?Scott Campbell - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 126 (3):375-396.
    In this paper I shall argue that if the Parfitian psychological criterion or theory of personal identity is true, then a good case can be made out to show that the psychological theorist should accept the view I call “psychological sequentialism”. This is the view that a causal connection is not necessary for what matters in survival, as long as certain other conditions are met. I argue this by way of Parfit’s own principle that what matters in survival cannot depend (...)
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    Essentials of existential phenomenological research.Scott Demane Churchill - 2022 - Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    The brief, practical texts in the Essentials of Qualitative Methods series introduce social science and psychology researchers to key approaches to capturing phenomena not easily measured quantitatively, offering exciting, nimble opportunities to gather in-depth qualitative data. In this book, Scott D. Churchill introduces readers to existential phenomenological research, an approach that seeks an in-depth, embodied understanding of subjective human existence that reflects a person's values, purposes, ideals, intentions, emotions, and relationships. This method helps researchers understand the lives and needs (...)
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    The Role of Ethics Institutionalization in Influencing Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Esprit de Corps.Scott John Vitell & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):343-353.
    Given increasing ethical problems in business, many organizations have tried to control these problems by institutionalizing ethics such as by creating new ethics positions and formulating and enforcing codes of ethics. In this study, the impact of implicit and explicit forms of institutionalization of ethics on job satisfaction, esprit de corps, and organizational commitment for marketing professionals is investigated. Additionally, the influence of organizational socialization, ethical relativism, and age relative to each of the above organizational climate constructs is examined. Results (...)
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  23.  31
    (1 other version)You must be joking!Scott Woodcock - 2015 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog 1.
    Are jokes sometimes funnier because they are immoral, wonders Scott Woodcock.
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  24. Argumentation.Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren - 2015 - In Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren (eds.), Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  25. Implications of teachers' beliefs about the nature of science: Comparison of the beliefs of scientists, secondary science teachers, and elementary teachers.Deborah Pomeroy - 1993 - Science Education 77 (3):261-278.
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    The university in the global age: reconceptualising the humanities and social sciences for the twenty-first century.Scott Doidge, John Doyle & Trevor Hogan - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (11):1126-1138.
    By any metric, the twentieth century university was a successful institution. However, in the twenty-first century, ongoing neoliberal educational reform has been accompanied by a growing epistemological crisis in the meaning and value of the humanities and social sciences (HaSS). Concerns have been expressed in two main forms. The governors of tertiary education systems—governments, private investors, university managers and consultancy firms—have focused on how HaSS can adapt to the perceived research needs of the 21st century. At the same time, a (...)
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  27.  43
    Relevance and digressions in argumentative discussion: A pragmatic approach.Scott Jacobs & Sally Jackson - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):161-176.
    Digressions in argumentative discussion are a kind of failure of relevance. Examination of what actual cases look like reveals several properties of argumentative relevance: (1) The informational relevance of propositions to the truth value of a conclusion should be distinguished from the pragmatic relevance of argumentative acts to the task of resolving a disagreement. (2) Pragmatic irrelevance is a collaborative phenomenon. It does not just short-circuit reasoning; it encourages a failure to take up the demands of an argumentative task. (3) (...)
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    (1 other version)Extending the Deontic Model of Justice.Deborah E. Rupp & Chris M. Bell - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (1):89-106.
    The deontic model of justice and ethical behavior proposes that people care about justice simply for the sake of justice. This is an important consideration for business ethics because it implies that justice and ethical behavior are naturally occurring phenomenaindependent of system controls or individual self-interest. To date, research on the deontic model and third-party reactions to injustice has focused primarily on individuals’ tendency to punish transgressors. This research has revealed that witnesses to injustice will consider sacrificing their own resources (...)
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    Expertise-Related Differences in Wrist Muscle Co-contraction in Drummers.Scott Beveridge, Steffen A. Herff, Bryony Buck, Gerard Breaden Madden & Hans-Christian Jabusch - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  30. Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies.Scott Atran, Douglas Medin & Norbert Ross - unknown
    Anthropological inquiry suggests that all societies classify animals and plants in similar ways. Paradoxically, in the same cultures that have seen large advances in biological science, citizenry's practical knowledge of nature has dramatically diminished. Here we describe historical, cross-cultural and developmental research on how people ordinarily conceptualize organic nature, concentrating on cognitive consequences associated with knowledge devolution. We show that results on psychological studies of categorization and reasoning from “standard populations” fail to generalize to humanity at large. Usual populations have (...)
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  31.  14
    Measuring the Quality of Philosophical Dialogue: A High-Inference Rating Instrument for Research and Teacher Education.Deborah Bernhard & Dominik Helbling - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-31.
    Various studies have shown that philosophizing with children at school can have a positive effect on cognitive, language and social skills. However, previous studies have not considered how the quality of the dialogue influences these outcomes. Addressing this gap, our article introduces a high-inference rating instrument to assess the quality of philosophical dialogue. This instrument features four quality dimensions: Philosophical Richness, Co-construction, Focus, and Restrained Facilitation. It was applied to evaluate 63 class dialogues from a Swiss study involving secondary-school students. (...)
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    Representing, Running, and Revising Mental Models: A Computational Model.Scott Friedman, Kenneth Forbus & Bruce Sherin - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1110-1145.
    People use commonsense science knowledge to flexibly explain, predict, and manipulate the world around them, yet we lack computational models of how this commonsense science knowledge is represented, acquired, utilized, and revised. This is an important challenge for cognitive science: Building higher order computational models in this area will help characterize one of the hallmarks of human reasoning, and it will allow us to build more robust reasoning systems. This paper presents a novel assembled coherence theory of human conceptual change, (...)
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    Computational Evidence for the Subitizing Phenomenon as an Emergent Property of the Human Cognitive Architecture.Scott A. Peterson & Tony J. Simon - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (1):93-122.
    A computational modeling approach was used to test one possible explanation for the limited capacity of the subitizing phenomenon. Most existing models of this phenomenon associate the subitizing span with an assumed structural limitation of the human information processing system. In contrast, we show how this limit might emerge as the combinatorics of the space of enumeration problems interacts with the human cognitive architecture in the context of an enumeration task. Subitizing‐like behavior was generated in two different models of enumeration, (...)
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    In the shadow of Hegel: Toward a methodology appropriate to the sociological consciousness of philosophic inquiry.Scott Ellison - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (1):pp. 44-66.
    In his political classic The Public and Its Problems, John Dewey offers up an observation that would surely resonate with contemporary readers.The social situation has been so changed by the factors of an industrial age that traditional general principles have little practical meaning. They persist as emotional cries rather than as reasoned ideas…. The developments of industry and commerce have so complicated affairs that a clear-cut, generally applicable, standard of judgment becomes practically impossible. The forest cannot be seen for the (...)
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  35. Theory, coordination, and empirical meaning in modern physics.Scott Tanona - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
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    Five Reasons why Margaret Somerville is Wrong about Same-Sex Marriage and the Rights of Children.Scott Woodcock - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (4):867.
    ABSTRACT: In written work and a lecture at the 2008 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences that was co-sponsored by the Canadian Philosophical Association, Margaret Somerville has claimed that allowing same-sex marriage is unethical because doing so violates the inherently procreative function of marriage and thereby undermines the rights and duties that exist between children and their biological parents. In my paper, I offer five reasons for thinking that Somerville’s argument for this conclusion is unpersuasive. In each case her (...)
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  37. Jonathan Hodge and Gregory Radick, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Darwin Reviewed by.Scott Woodcock - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (3):199-203.
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    Women and Liberty, 1600-1800: Philosophical Essays.Deborah Brown - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):632-632.
    Volume 97, Issue 3, September 2019, Page 632-632.
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  39. Sexism and semantics.Deborah Cameron - 1984 - Radical Philosophy 36:14-16.
  40.  14
    How and when did Arabidopsis thaliana become highly self‐fertilising.Deborah Charlesworth & Xavier Vekemans - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):472-476.
    Changes in breeding system are a regular evolutionary change in plants, as self‐fertilisation is often advantageous, particularly for weedy and colonising species. The adoption of Arabidopsis thaliana as a plant model species has led to interest in how self‐incompatibility was lost so that this species became highly inbreeding. Molecular evolutionary approaches have recently focused on investigating two loci involved in the incompatibility recognition process in related Arabidopsis species; non‐functional copies of these genes still exist in A. thaliana. New work studying (...)
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    Human Variability and the Explore–Exploit Trade‐Off in Recommendation.Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Chirag Rank, Jake A. Whritner, Olfa Nasraoui & Patrick Shafto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13279.
    The enormous scale of the available information and products on the Internet has necessitated the development of algorithms that intermediate between options and human users. These algorithms attempt to provide the user with relevant information. In doing so, the algorithms may incur potential negative consequences stemming from the need to select items about which it is uncertain to obtain information about users versus the need to select items about which it is certain to secure high ratings. This tension is an (...)
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  42.  27
    Two Decades of the Journal of Academic Ethics: From the Idea to the Present.Deborah C. Poff & Loreta Tauginienė - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):451-455.
  43.  8
    Of law.Scott Hershovitz - 2012 - In Andrei Marmor (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law. New York , NY: Routledge. pp. 65.
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  44. Evidentialism for everyone.Scott Aikin - 2007 - Think 5 (15):37-44.
    Should we always proportion belief to the available evidence? Scott Aikin believes so.
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    Icon as index: Middle Byzantine art and architecture.Deborah Bershad - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (3-4).
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  46. Al-fārābī.Deborah Black - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr (eds.), The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--178.
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  47. A cheater-detection module? Dubious interpretations of the Wason selection task and logic.Scott Atran - unknown
    People usually fail the Wason selection task, choosing P and Q cases, when attempting to validate descriptive rules having the form “If P, then Q.” Yet they solve it, selecting P and not-Q cases, when validating deontic rules of the form “If P, then must Q.” The field of evolutionary psychology has overwhelmingly interpreted deontic versions of the selection task in terms of a naturally-selected, domain-specific social-contract or cheating algorithm. This work has done much to promote evolutionary psychology as an (...)
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    Coercion as Enforcement, and the Social Organisation of Power Relations: Coercion in Specific Contexts of Social Power.Scott A. Anderson - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (3):525-539.
    Many recent theories of coercion broaden the scope of the concept coercion by encompassing interactions in which one agent pressures another to act, subject to some further qualifications. I have argued previously that this way of conceptualizing coercion undermines its suitability for theoretical use in politics and ethics. I have also explicated a narrower, more traditional approach—“the enforcement approach to coercion”—and argued for its superiority. In this essay, I consider the prospects for broadening this more traditional approach to cover some (...)
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    By Grace of Broken Skin.Scott Zeman - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):289-313.
    I address the question of the origins and historical meaning of art. Analyzing suggestions from Marx, Derrida, Winnicott, and Todorov, I claim that art doesn’t simply represent conscious, historical events but is also the continuing presentation of the prehistorical break-up of our “original” human family. Indeed,perpetuating yet distancing this archaic scene of community and violence in tension, art performs this mediation not just in history but also as history, as a secretive historiography of splitting and meaning-making. To this end, I (...)
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    Moral theory and legal reasoning.Scott Brewer (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Garland.
    The articles in this volume consider at what stage of legal reasoning should a judge or lawyer make specifically moral judgments.
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